Our Services

From a young age I’ve always been attracted to the occult and things of it’s nature, finding orisha and discovering African spiritualities; opened my heart for healing. my mind for growth and my path for opportunities. Along this journey I found it hard to find mentors or services that could help me along my way. Being a crowned santero now in the Santeria faith, my aspiration and life mission is to help those in the way I sought help at the beginning of my journey.

Tarot Reading


Explore what messages spirit has for you. This is for people who just need to check in or maybe their first impression of spirituality, perfect for questions and evolving your journey.



For people who are ready to take their spiritual journey a little deeper and dive into the foundations of ATR’s.

Boveda Boxes


Ready to set up that altar? Don’t know where to start? We got you covered our fully customizable boxes will be able to serve you and your spiritual needs.

Unlock Your Potential