Learning The Boveda
Ancestor altar /Boveda/Mesa Blanca, is a set up within the home to honor and bring light to the spirits in your spiritual court whether they are related by blood or lineage. Setting up an altar where you can pray, feel safe and leave offerings for them, is a way for them to guide you and bring blessings into your life. It is where all spirituality stems from our bond with our ancestors and guides that walk with us.
Building a bond with your spirits doesn’t have to be over complicated some people start with one or three glasses, until they are comfortable or guided to add more. The traditional set up in espiritismo is 7 or 9 glasses but everyone’s path is different. However, the altar is not a place for idolizing or worshipping orishas, lwas, gods, etc. They are meant as way to build a connection to your ancestral spirit court. Archetypes such as Gitanas(gypsies), Congos, Native Americans, Nuns, etc are common figurines/statues/dolls you will see in these settings.
No one has to prepare your altar or build it for you it simply takes discernment, faith and patience. There are many books on amazon that can be found on espirtismo based on the teachings of Allen Kardec and the prayers of the new spiritualist. However, one is not limited to these prayers, one may say prayers from any religious book calling in aid to their spirits such as the Bible, Quran, etc. You can find the basic set up for an altar below.
Secure a safe place with a table dedicated for your altar no matter big or small it’s not the size that counts with spirit it’s the heart.
● White tablecloth- purity and stability for them to rest
● 7 glasses of water (1 large with holy water and crucifix inside)-for spirits to reside and refresh and hear your prayers with clarity
● Perfume-Sweet scents that remind you of your elders to bring peace and sweetness
● Cigar/Incense-Tobacco is used in calling the spirits and as a offering to them a “cleansing” smoke
● Coffee/Rum-A drink to stimulate them and offer them energy
● Fresh flowers- To honor them and give life to your altar
● Offerings(candy,food,fruit)-These things appease them and could come through intuition as you set this up they will guide you to what they desire TRUST YOUR GUT